Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Technology Podcast Featuring my Mom, Sharon

I decided on who I was going to interview before I decided on which topic 
my interview would be. I don’t have a lot of close friends or family who live 
near me anymore, but I wanted to interview someone who I felt comfortable 
with. I call my mom often, so I figured I could easily work the interview into one 
of our phone calls. I decided to interview her about technology for a couple of 
different reasons. First, it is relevant to me as a future teacher and as I go 
through this particular class. Second, because it is relevant to my mother as 
she uses technology everyday in order to do her job. Finally, because it is 
relevant to just about everyone in our modern world as technology becomes a 
bigger part of average life everyday.
To begin the process of creating this podcast, I asked my mom if she would 
volunteer to be my interviewee. Then, I wrote up the entire script of my side of the 
interview. Next, I sent a basic copy of my questions to my mom and asked if she 
had any questions. After that, I recorded the interview on my laptop with 
Garageband. A few days after everything was recorded, I listened to the recording,
 added a couple more points of narration, and cut out unnecessary or awkward 
moments. When I was done cutting everything down and creating small breaks in 
places, I Googled “music without royalties” and downloaded a techy-sounding song. 
I placed the song on the track and adjusted the volume level at many different 
moments so it would function as background music and not interfere with the sound 
quality of the interview. Finally, I uploaded the podcast to Soundcloud and posted it 
on my blog. 

I have been a fan of podcasts for the last few years. I’ve listened to podcasts for 
entertainment, to learn how to live a better life, to gain teaching tips, and more. After 
creating my own podcast, I am even more enthusiastic. After seeing how simple it is 
to actually create a podcast - I’m not saying it doesn’t take a lot of work, just that 
someone as technologically inept as me can do it - I think this would be a great 
activity to bring into a classroom. I think many students would enjoy the process of 
dictating the topic of a podcast, creating their own layout, and putting together a 
polished product that they can share with their classmates.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Courtney.

    You do a good job of editing this podcast. You get to the heart of what your mom is saying and your edits keep things succinct and relevant. I'm sure you had a lot more audio than what we are hearing in your final draft, and that's exactly how it should be.

    The planning behind your questions and the direction of the podcast is apparent in the flow the podcast. You have a clear focus for your questions and you move from topic to topic smoothly. It's easy to follow for me as a learner.

    Your mom has expertise in this area and her answers are interesting to listen to.

    Kudos again on the tightly packaged podcast. It's on the shorter side of the group, but it nails each point with the way you've planned and cut it together. That kind of focus is impressive and appreciated.

    Great idea to leave the interview on a positive note. She has a great perspective on exactly how many doors technology can open for people. It's an important reminder in this age where we are constantly reminded of negatives. Well done. I sincerely enjoyed this podcast.
